Meets from 1-30pm until 2-30 pm followed by refreshments
The fellowship started in the 1930's as a Ladies Fellowship and changed to a mixed group about 7 years ago and renamed the Monday Fellowship.
We have a membership of 17 at the moment and hope this will increase; we have a variety of activities including speakers, members afternoons, quizzes, talks by our minister, outings and many other activities.
Blucher - Current Monday Fellowship Program
Supper Club:
Every Thursday we normally run a supper club from 6-30 pm until 8 pm in the upper room of the new building. The format for the evening is supper first followed by a bible study. It is open to everyone and there is a set charge of £2-50 per person to cover the cost of providing supper. However this is now at an end until the bettere weather in May 2017
A very warm welcome is extended to all!
Polio Fellowship:
Our hall is home to the Polio Fellowship who meet every Wednesday afternoon from 1-30pm until 3pm. New members are always welcome.
Wednesday Youth Club:
For ages 7 to 16 years old
Runs from 6-30pm until 8pm
With table games, tuck shop and refreshments!