Week 5 - Risk taking mission and service
Use the links below to listen to one of the Ponteland services from the fifth week of our Fruitful Congregations initiative. Week 5 considers the idea of Risk-taking mission and service.
Risk Taking Mission and Service - Ponteland (am) - Rev. Gordon Wynne
Risk Taking Mission and Service - Ponteland (pm) - Rev. Juliet Wriglesworth
Circuit Re-invigoration - Week 6 - 'Extravagant Generosity'
Use the link below to listen to one of the services from the sixth week of our Fruitful Congregations initiative, which considers the idea of 'Extravagant Generosity.' Recorded on 14th Feb 2016 at Denton Burn Methodist Church.
Extravagant Generosity - Rev Tim Woolley
Circuit Re-invigoration - Week 3 - 'Passionate Worship'
Use the links below to listen to the third week's readings and sermons that are part of the Fruitful Congregations initiative. Week 3 considers the idea of 'Passionate Worship.'
Passionate Worship - Westerhope, Rev Tim Woolley
Passionate Worship - Ponteland. Rev Robin Brooks
Circuit Re-invigoration - Week 4 - 'Intentional Faith Development'
Use the link below to listen to the third week's readings and sermons that are part of the Fruitful Congregations initiative. Week 4 considers the idea of 'Intentional Faith Development.'
Intentional Faith Development - Denton Burn - Rev. Tim Woolley
Circuit Re-invigoration - Week 2 - Radical Hospitality
Use the links below to listen to the second week's readings and sermons that are part of the Fruitful Congregations initiative being undertaken by the Newcastle West Methodist Circuit. Week 2 considers the idea of 'Radical Hospitality.' Three recordings are available for this week, from Heddon, Denton Burn and Ponteland methodist churches.
Radical Hospitality - Heddon - 10-01-2016
Radical Hospitality - Denton Burn - 10-01-2016
Radical Hospitality - Ponteland - 10-01-2016
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