September 24, 2015
Newcastle West Methodist Circuit - Open Letter:
Dear Friends in Christ,
The recent Circuit Meeting approved this motion with one abstention and no votes against: “Do you agree that the Circuit should move ahead with the Season of Fruitful Growth as set out this evening and are you personally committed to being fully and actively involved?”

The Season will run from end November 2015 to early May 2016, involving every Church in the Circuit. We will be working together to improve all aspects of Church life as we move towards Christian Excellence.
In the New Year we will have a 6 week series of themed preaching at every service in every Church looking at Christian Excellence and five different practices which, together, make up Church life. We need to improve continuously in every practice if our work and witness is to win new disciples for Jesus.

During the week following the themed preaching of each of the five practices there will be opportunities around the Circuit to reflect together. We hope everyone will attend one session each week. We will also provide a daily devotional guide.

From end February to end April, each Church will spend significant time planning improvements in each practice area (look out for further details). We will dedicate the plans at a Circuit service on Ascension Day, 2016.
This Season of Fruitful Growth is the next step in the re-invigoration of the Circuit which started in 2011. We have made important progress following our commitment to four ministers and we are now seeing clear signs of spiritual growth, different types of worship services, Messy Church and new families joining us. We still have much to improve. We need the active, committed involvement of everyone in this Season of Fruitful Growth. Only with that will we take the further and huge step forward in living and witnessing the good news of Jesus for which we hope and pray.
With every blessing, The Circuit Leadership Team.
The Circuit Stewards.
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