Blucher Methodist Church
Welcome to the page for Blucher Methodist Church
We have a morning service of worship on Sundays at 10:45am and an alternative evening service at 6pm on the second Sunday or the month. We are a very friendly bunch, and you're more than welcome to join us anytime!
For general church inquiries email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Why not check out our Chapel and our 'Messy Church' Facebook page!
The History of Blucher Chapel
Before Blucher Chapel was built services were held in one of the pit houses in the village, so in 1904 the Mine owner Sir William Stephenson went to the pit and asked for four men to volunteer to dig foundations for the Chapel which opened in 1906 with lines of eager people waiting at the door, this is the earliest Baptism in the church log and to this day we still have people coming to look at the records for baptisms, marriage etc. because they had family here who had moved and they are doing family research and our Senior Church Steward John Satterthwaite (Jack) is always on hand to oblige
The Roman Vallum runs under the Chapel and on through the garden at the back of it.
Jack Satterthwaite our Senior Church Steward was born in Blucher and has always been associated with the Church. In fact his mother was its caretaker in its earliest days, the church then had a coal fires for heating and Jack as a lad would come and light the fires for her, he has been organist since 1964.
Before 1972 the services were accompanied by Jack on the harmonium but he rescued our lovely pipe organ from a church that was closing and we used this and he plays this to this day.
The foundation stone for the new church extension was laid by Jack in 2003 and the money was raised for it by donations from past and present church member and we now have a lovely small downstairs room and an large upper room with stair lift and modern toilet facilities, as well as a large hall for functions.
What's on at Blucher?
Meets from 1-30pm until 2-30 pm followed by refreshments
The fellowship started in the 1930's as a Ladies Fellowship and changed to a mixed group about 7 years ago and renamed the Monday Fellowship.
We have a membership of 17 at the moment and hope this will increase; we have a variety of activities including speakers, members afternoons, quizzes, talks by our minister, outings and many other activities.
Blucher - Current Monday Fellowship Program
Supper Club:
Every Thursday we normally run a supper club from 6-30 pm until 8 pm in the upper room of the new building. The format for the evening is supper first followed by a bible study. It is open to everyone and there is a set charge of £2-50 per person to cover the cost of providing supper. However this is now at an end until the bettere weather in May 2017
A very warm welcome is extended to all!
Polio Fellowship:
Our hall is home to the Polio Fellowship who meet every Wednesday afternoon from 1-30pm until 3pm. New members are always welcome.
Wednesday Youth Club:
For ages 7 to 16 years old
Runs from 6-30pm until 8pm
With table games, tuck shop and refreshments!